Top Cities in Connecticut
Top Rated Stays in Connecticut
Around 213,912 out of 2,154,201 households own an RV in Connecticut. There are approximately 836,059 total RVers in Connecticut, with 334,424 being Gen Zs and millennials. About 568,520 of these RVers take their pets with them on their trips.
Charlie Brown Campground
98 Chaplin Rd., Eastford, CT 06242-9439
RV, Trailer
From $60/night
Nickerson Park Family Campground
1036 Phoenixville Rd., Chaplin, CT 06235
RV, Trailer
From $45/night
Sunfox Campground
15 Kenyon Rd., Lisbon, CT 06351
From $48/night
The Island RV Park
20 Islanda Court, East Lyme, CT 06333
Aces High RV Park
301 Chesterfield Rd., East Lyme, CT 06333
RV, Trailer
From $79/night
Nelson’s Family Campground
71 Mott Hill Rd., East Hampton, CT 06424
From $51/night