Top Cities in California
Top Rated Stays in California
Around 1,219,540 out of 12,281,372 households own an RV in California. There are approximately 5,568,213 total RVers in California, with 2,227,285 being Gen Zs and millennials. About 3,786,385 of these RVers take their pets with them on their trips.
Mystic Forest RV Park
15875 US Highway 101 N., Klamath, CA 95548
RV, Trailer
From $42/night
Parker’s Resort
16220 Neeley Road, Guerneville, CA 95446
From $55/night
Clearlake RV Resort
6035 Old Highway 53, Clearlake, CA 95422
RV, Trailer
From $46/night
Pinezanita RV Park & Campground
4446 Hwy 79, Julian, CA 92036
RV, Trailer
From $40/night
Sands RV & Golf Resort
16400 Bubbling Wells Rd., Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240
RV, Trailer
From $40/night
Sky Valley Resort
74711 Dillon Rd., Desert Hot Springs, CA 92241
RV, Trailer